
In this digital era, not having  a website is something every business or entrepreneur should consider as a high risk.  Having a digital presence, be it a Facebook page, a twitter account or a website is something today is indispensable.  If you are a Startup even more so, since have a website allows you to reach more potential customers quicker and with allow investment.  Traditionally  utilizing mass media implies a considerable investment, today, digital media is considerably less expensive and it allow adaptability to the business and investment considerations. 

What’s involved in having a digital presence? What is ideal for my business and how much do I need/want to invest? These are the questions that will guide us in designing a basic digital infrastructure.  Each digital media has a specific purpose, not all have the same objective, not all are a must.

Understanding this, and being a Startup ourselves, we offer the following packages:

Why do I need a domain name?   Why do I need corporate e-mail?   Why do I need Social Media?   Why do I need online Storage?   Why do I need Video Conferencing? Why do I need a CRM?


To get you started right away creating your digital footprint, this package considered the absolute indispensable considering the lowest impact to your budget and maximum exposure to your business.

This package includes acquiring a hosting platform and creating your website.  We will help you select, signup, setup and create of each one of these services.

Why do I need WebSite?

Professionalism, Advertising, Reach, Marketing, Credibility, Presence

The internet has presented customer with another world were to research, compare and get informed of the latest news, products, people, business and much more.  It has opened another avenue for sales and marketing and has created other fields a company should consider. 

Having a website is the door to this world and with this door comes new opportunities.  A business should consider having a website due to the simple fact that your market will grow, this translates to more sales opportunity if done correctly.

Marketeers now have a new canvas on which to create new content and elevate your brand, create awareness and present new products.  This is turn translates to new opportunities, which will generate sales.

Since this is a door, we need to make it welcoming, and in doing so we create credibility and professionalism for your business, giving you an edge and thus inspiring confidence in your potential customer, and therefore increasing the probability of a sale.

So in short we must have a website to increase the possibility of a sale here are some statistics:

30% of Consumers wont consider a business without a website

97% of Consumers go online to find and research local business

75% of B2B buyers say digital websites content significantly impact their buying decision

75% of people have judged a company’s credibility on its website design

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